How To Scale Your Knife Brand | Swedge Media Guide


Selling knives online can be frustrating, time-consuming, and really difficult to sustain long term. But If you can master a few principles, it can be extremely lucrative.

I’ve spent the last 3 years working behind the scenes in E-commerce at a huge online retailer (Blade HQ)  and on the front lines with other smaller emerging brands. I’ve studied what works and experienced the struggles of using outdated or incomplete systems to sell online.

After working on thousands of product launch campaigns, social media posts, email blasts, and product listings. I’ve distilled everything I know into the most important foundational frameworks to help any online business succeed.

Why am I doing this? Because from my experience, the most innovative, and creative products come from the smallest brands. I want to help these brands improve their marketing abilities and scale their brand so that they can help influence the world with their unique & often-times handcrafted products.

The world needs what you have, they just don’t know it yet.

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Selling knives online can be frustrating, time-consuming, and really difficult to sustain long term. But If you can master a few principles, it can be extremely lucrative.

I’ve spent the last 3 years working behind the scenes in E-commerce at a huge online retailer (Blade HQ)  and on the front lines with other smaller emerging brands. I’ve studied what works and experienced the struggles of using outdated or incomplete systems to sell online.

After working on thousands of product launch campaigns, social media posts, email blasts, and product listings. I’ve distilled everything I know into the most important foundational frameworks to help any online business succeed.

Why am I doing this? Because from my experience, the most innovative, and creative products come from the smallest brands. I want to help these brands improve their marketing abilities and scale their brand so that they can help influence the world with their unique & often-times handcrafted products.

The world needs what you have, they just don’t know it yet.