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Commercial Photography: How It Can Build Brand Authority And Increase Revenue


Using high-quality images is a great way for businesses to establish their brand authority and credibility in their respective markets. This is because professional photography can create an emotional connection between the brand and the consumer, thereby helping the consumer to better understand the brand's values and offerings. It has been proven that many successful brands, such as Apple, Coca-Cola, and Nike, have established their brand authority through the use of high-quality commercial photography. Therefore, it is highly recommended that businesses invest in high-quality commercial photography to establish their brand authority and credibility.

What is commercial photography?

Commercial photography is the art of capturing images for commercial use, such as advertising, product promotion, and marketing. It is the process of photographing products, people, places, or events with the objective of promoting a brand or product. High-quality commercial photography is crucial for businesses to establish their brand identity and increase their sales. In fact, research shows that companies that utilize professional photography in their marketing materials experience a significant increase in their revenue. According to a survey conducted by the Visual Teaching Alliance, businesses that use compelling images in their marketing materials have a 94% higher visitor engagement rate than those that do not. Additionally, a study by MDG Advertising revealed that 67% of online shoppers considered high-quality images to be more critical than product descriptions and customer reviews.

How can photography grow your brand?

Nike is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable brands in the world, and it owes much of its success to its effective use of high-quality commercial photography. Through visually engaging and compelling marketing campaigns, Nike has established itself as a leader in the athletic apparel industry, inspiring people to pursue excellence and athleticism.

Below you will find some statistics and examples that illustrate how Nike has been able to grow into the internationally recognized brand that it is today:

  • Nike's "Just Do It" campaign, launched in 1988, was a highly successful advertising campaign that featured high-quality photos of athletes in action. The campaign helped establish Nike as a brand that embodies athleticism and the pursuit of excellence and is credited with increasing the company's revenue from $800 million in 1988 to over $9 billion in 1998.

  • Nike's use of high-quality photography has helped it to establish credibility and authority in the athletic apparel industry. By featuring professional athletes in its ad campaigns, Nike has been able to create a powerful emotional connection between the brand and its customers, positioning itself as a symbol of excellence and achievement in sports.

  • According to a study by MDG Advertising, 67% of online shoppers consider high-quality images to be more important than product descriptions and customer reviews. Nike's investment in high-quality photography has helped it create visually engaging marketing materials that attract and retain customers.

  • Nike's Instagram account, which features high-quality photography and video content, has over 155 million followers. The account is widely regarded as one of the most successful and engaging brand accounts on the platform, due in part to its visually compelling content.

  • Nike's use of high-quality photography has helped it to establish a strong brand identity that is instantly recognizable. The brand's iconic "Swoosh" logo, which has been featured in countless high-quality photographs over the years, is now one of the most recognizable logos in the world.

Why High-Quality Photography is Important for Brand Authority

Establishing brand authority is crucial for businesses looking to position themselves as leaders in their respective markets. A brand with high authority is perceived as trustworthy, credible, and reliable by consumers, making it more likely that they will choose that brand over its competitors. The use of high-quality photography can significantly help businesses establish brand authority by creating an emotional connection between the brand and the consumer. This emotional connection helps the consumer to better understand the brand's values and offerings, leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Recent psychological studies confirm the importance of visual perception in purchase behavior:

  • Up to 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, with visuals being processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.

  • Color increases brand recognition by up to 80%.

  • Consumers are 60% more likely to consider or contact a business when an image appears in local search results.

  • As many as 52% of online shoppers claim that images of the product are the most important factor in their purchasing decision.

  • As many as 67% of consumers consider image quality to be a highly significant factor when making a purchase online.

Investing in high-quality commercial photography is a powerful way to establish brand authority, credibility, and increase sales and revenue.

Why is Photography Still Important in a Video-Dominant World?

In today's video-dominant world, photography remains an important component of visual storytelling. While video content can be engaging, photography can provide a more detailed and focused look at products and services. Brands that successfully use both photography and video in their marketing materials are able to create a more complete brand experience for their consumers. Investing in high-quality commercial photography is therefore essential for businesses looking to establish their brand identity and increase their sales in 2023 and beyond.

  • In 2021, it is estimated that the U.S. advertising industry spent over $8 billion on photography.

  • According to a survey conducted by the Association of National Advertisers, 91% of advertisers consider photography to be important or very important to their advertising campaigns.

  • A study by MDG Advertising found that high-quality photography can increase online sales by up to 9%, and that businesses that invest in professional photography receive an average of 60% more views on their listings.


To sum up, high-quality commercial photography is indispensable for businesses that want to establish their brand identity and boost their sales. By creating visually appealing and convincing marketing campaigns, businesses can assert themselves as trailblazers in their respective industries, inspiring customers to strive for excellence and remain loyal. In today's world dominated by videos, photography still plays a crucial role in visual storytelling, providing an in-depth and focused view of products and services.

Swedge Media is a top-notch marketing agency that caters to the outdoor gear and tool industry, specializing in high-quality commercial photography. Do not hesitate to contact us today to explore how we can help elevate your brand and establish your dominance in the market.