How To Create Social Media Content That Brands Can't Ignore:

In the last 24 months, I’ve managed social media accounts for various e-commerce brands, some with 400k+ followers, and thriving communities full of influencers and loyal fans.

I know exactly what you need to do to get the attention of your favorite brand online.

I’m sure you’re all familiar with what it means to work with a brand on social media by now, but things are changing in 2023. Influencer marketing campaigns are becoming more and more common in nearly every industry for a few reasons.

  • Businesses can reach a new audience with minimal effort on their part.

  • Working with influencers is the modern form of word-of-mouth marketing. Which has historically proven to be the most effective form of marketing there is.

  • Free promotional content is highly valuable for large brands online.

Social media influencer marketing is all the rage these days.

And if you are trying to build an audience today, it’s a no-brainer to start thinking of ways you can monetize that audience. Brand collabs are one of the most effective ways you can do this. So learning how to get the brand's attention is vitally important.

To many, it may seem like it’s a one-sided relationship because it appears that the brand gets to make money off of the traffic that a creator has built, for basically nothing. However, this mindset is inaccurate for a few reasons. In the social media game in 2023, money is not the only currency. Traffic is also extremely important. So when a creator is wanting to break out, getting a collab with a large account online can be exactly what they need to gain more followers, engagement, and traffic they can monetize with their own products.

Some challenges creators face when trying to work with brands include:

  • Not getting the attention of the brand on their posts

  • Not getting responses back in the Dm’s

  • It’s difficult to get the brand to share their content

Since I’ve had the privilege to be on the brand side of things, I know exactly what it takes to get noticed and score that first brand collab. Trust me, it’s easier than you think. You just have to know what you’re doing.

Here are a few strategies you can steal today to score your first brand collab:

  • Comment on everything the brand posts. By doing this frequently, over time you will become a familiar face to the social media manager when they are monitoring the comments.

  • Try replying to a few different commenters on each post too, this will help build credibility with the community as a whole.

  • Tag the brand in everything you post that is relevant to that brand. This will show that you are a dedicated fan and you’re more than likely to get a story to reshare at minimum.

  • Make content on your page that helps sell the product for that brand for free. Do this as often as you’d like, but by doing this you are opening the door to the brand sharing your content directly on their page or website. This is probably the most effective way to get a foot in the door.

  • Make sure your content provides some form of value to your audience and the brand’s audience. Nobody wants to watch another ad. Show why you genuinely care so much about the product that you’d want to make content about it.

My experience working with influencers:

When I was managing the influencer marketing campaigns for a very large account (400k+ followers) I couldn’t possibly see, let alone share every piece of content that we were tagged in. 100+ Dm’s, tags, and hundreds of comments every day made this extremely difficult. The posts that would catch my attention usually had good photography, intriguing video, or provide some form of educational value. These are the people I’d always keep an eye on. When I needed to promote a new product, that was pretty niche and expensive. My first thought was to reach out to a few of these creators I had been watching for the past few months. They had experiential knowledge of what this product was intended for, and they made some really killer content. So after a quick DM, a new collab was born.

Working with brands on social media really isn’t that difficult.

There are so many people doing it today, there’s no reason why you can't. I saw firsthand how powerful influencer marketing can be. One youtube video can sell thousands of dollars worth of products. One Instagram post can generate exponential traffic increases in a very short amount of time. It’s a no-brainer for brands to work with creators and influencers. Who also get a ton of eyeballs on their page, and increased credibility with their audience after a collab.

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Here's a quick rundown of what I covered in this article:

  • Influencer marketing is booming right now because it helps brands reach new audiences more easily

  • Anyone with a decent-sized audience can work with brands as an influencer. You just need to get their attention.

  • Comment on every post a brand publishes

  • Be an active community member that provides value to the group as a whole

  • Being social is the best way to get noticed. After all, it is a social media platform anyways.

  • Consider making free promotional content for the brands or products you like to get shared on their page.

  • Make sure your content is highly valuable in some way. Hollywood-level cinematography doesn’t hurt, but it isn’t necessary. Just be genuine about who you are and what you do.


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