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Ultem: A High-Performance Knife Handle Material

Ease of customization

While G10 and FRN have similar properties to Ultem in terms of strength, durability, and resistance to impact, they have an advantage when it comes to customization. G10 and FRN can be easily dyed in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing for a greater degree of personalization for the user. In contrast, Ultem is typically only available in a few colors and is more difficult to dye due to its high melting point. While some manufacturers have developed processes to dye Ultem in limited colors such as black, blue, and red, the range of options is much more limited than with G10 and FRN.

How to make Ultem knife scales

There are three primary methods for creating Ultem knife handle scales: 3D printing, milling, and injection molding. Each method has its own pros and cons.

3D Printing

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is a type of 3D printing that can be used to create Ultem knife handle scales. FDM involves extruding a thermoplastic material through a nozzle to create a three-dimensional object layer by layer. Ultem is often used in FDM 3D printing due to its high strength, heat resistance, and chemical resistance.

One advantage of 3D printing is that it allows for the creation of complex geometries and shapes that may be difficult or impossible to achieve with other methods. Additionally, 3D printing can be a cost-effective option for small-scale production runs.

However, 3D printing can also result in parts with a lower strength and durability compared to other methods. In addition, the surface finish of 3D-printed parts may not be as smooth as those created with other methods.


Milling is another method that can be used to create Ultem knife handle scales. However, it can be difficult to mill Ultem with a CNC machine due to its high melting point and low thermal conductivity. The heat generated during the milling process can cause the material to soften and melt, which can lead to issues with the surface finish and dimensional accuracy of the finished part.

To successfully mill Ultem, it is recommended to use a high-quality carbide end mill with a sharp cutting edge and a low helix angle. The cutting speed and feed rate should also be carefully controlled to avoid overheating the material. Additionally, using a coolant or air blast can help to dissipate heat and improve chip evacuation.

One advantage of milling is that it can be used to create parts with high accuracy and surface finish. Additionally, milling can be used to create larger production runs than 3D printing.

However, milling can also be a more expensive and time-consuming option compared to 3D printing or injection molding. It requires specialized equipment and expertise, which can drive up the cost.

Injection Molding

Injection molding is a popular method for creating Ultem knife handle scales. Injection molding involves injecting molten plastic into a mold cavity, allowing it to cool and solidify into the desired shape.

One advantage of injection molding is that it can be used to create large production runs of parts with high accuracy and consistency. Additionally, injection molding can produce parts with a high-quality surface finish.

However, injection molding requires specialized equipment and processes, which can make it a more expensive option for small-scale production runs. Additionally, the initial cost of creating a mold can be high.

Overall, each method has its own strengths and weaknesses. When choosing a method for creating Ultem knife handle scales, it is important to consider factors such as production volume, cost, and desired part properties

Popular Knife Brands Using Ultem

There are several knife companies that use Ultem for their knife handles, including Tactile Knife Co, Blade HQ, Microtech, Vero Engineering, Dauntless MFG, and many others. These companies recognize the value of Ultem's high-performance properties and use it to create some of the toughest and most durable knives on the market.

Ultem has become an increasingly popular material in the everyday carry gear collectors community. Boutique makers have utilized Ultem to create collectible tools, beads, and knife scales. One of the unique aspects of Ultem is its amber color, which is rare in the knife industry. This color, combined with its high durability, has made it a favorite among collectors looking for unique and high-quality materials for their gear. As a result, Ultem has become a sought-after material in the knife community, with many collectors and enthusiasts seeking out knives and accessories made from this high-performance thermoplastic.