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Dominate Your E-commerce Niche with These 3 Social Media Strategies

When I first started working in e-commerce, I struggled with creating engaging, high-quality content for our social media channels. It was overwhelming and exhausting to juggle the day-to-day tasks of running a business while consistently posting and promoting our products.

I felt like I was constantly guessing what type of content would resonate with my audience and generate sales. But after researching every idea, trying everything, and testing every theory I could find. I was drowning in information, but I had no idea where to start.

After months of trial and error, I finally developed a framework that simplified my social media marketing strategy and helped me generate more traffic and revenue for the business I was working for.

One of the downsides of modern business is, if you want to grow, you feel like you have to put so much time, effort, and energy into it, to get any results. And when you don’t, it feels like it’s an endless, impossible game rigged against you in every way.

This is not true, I knew that it didn’t have to be that hard. I knew there had to be a better way than just mindlessly posting into the aether.

After 3,000+ posts over the span of 2 years, I burned out…. I burned out bad! Like so bad I didn’t even feel human anymore. I was depressed, stressed out, and under intense pressure from my managers to get results during a particularly bad sales year.

It was Q4, everything was ramped up to 1000% Nothing was working. It felt like total chaos until I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I quit, and I found another job at a much much smaller company. The slower pace helped me catch my breath. It helped me connect all the dots in my head. After a few weeks, I felt like it finally clicked.

Here are the 3 strategies I learned and implemented to finally start seeing business success on social media

1) Understand the specific problems your audience has, and how your products can help.

As a business owner, once you can relate to the problems your audience has, you can more easily promote your product to them.

If you can convince your audience that your product can solve their specific problem, (that they may or may not be aware of) they will trust you more. And will be much more likely to engage, follow, and buy from you.

This is common advice you hear all the time, but that’s for a reason, It works!

When you can frame all of your marketing content in a way that targets your audience's problems, you will see results.

Your first post using this strategy will not go viral. But it will be the first brick you stack when building an authoritative brand online. After stacking brick after brick after brick, you eventually have a house, and potentially even go viral.

I heard this advice again, and again. But it always frustrated me. I was always left wondering, how do I know what my customer’s problems are? And how does my brand and product help solve them?

Here are a few ways you can implement this strategy today, with minimal effort.

  1. What are your customers using your product for? This sounds obvious but clearly communicating the intended use and benefits of using your product can go a long way.

  2. Why did you develop your product? You made it, why did you make it? What was the thought process you were going through when you made it? Communicating this is important, especially when you don’t have a clear idea of your target audience.

  3. Talk about the benefits, not the features. Nobody cares about features, they want to know about what the features can do for them.

2) Communicate why they should follow you over your competition through your personal values, interests, ideology, and personality

People want to follow like-minded people. We like to feel like we are part of a tribe, we need support, validation, and community. This is no different today with online business and brand building.

If you don’t have a clear picture in your head about who your audience is. Just make marketing content for yourself.

Be selfish, make what you like just because you like it. But make sure you are still trying to solve your own problems, and tell that story with your content.

Here’s some ideas on how to do this:

  1. Make your visual content look the way you like it. Don’t try and cater to what you think the people like. Make what you like, and like-minded people will come to you.

  2. Talk about how you made your product to solve your specific problems. Did you have a problem that no other product was able to fix? How did your product solve the problem for you?

  3. Write to yourself. Seriously, just write your content like you were speaking to yourself. This will make everything sound more natural, and authentic to your audience.

3) Develop a long-term content strategy that is sustainable and effective at bringing in more traffic to your website

This might be the most important point in this entire letter. Consistency is the most important thing when trying to scale your business on social media. If you have a system that is to complex, and difficult to stick to, you are doomed to failure.

Heres you you can set yourself up for success by simplifying as much as possible.

  1. Stick to a posting schedule that you can handle on your busiest week of the year. Sticking to this is more important than just posting some random series of photos whenever you get a chance.

  2. Write your content ahead of time. Knowing what you are going to post ahead of time makes everything so much easier. No more guessing, your audience will feel your intentionality in the content.

  3. Focus on the one thing you are good at. Whether that is long-form like Youtube videos, Podcasts, or writing blogs. Or short-form video like TikTok, Reels, or YT Shorts. Focusing on one medium will help you stay focused and improve your skills quickly.


Marketing your E-commerce business on social media can be extremely stressful, time consuming, and discouraging when you are just starting out.

But if you can get into the rhythm, and lazer focus on solving problems for your audience. You will see growth, and real results.

People want to buy from a brand they trust and can relate to.

If you want to make more money, do those two things.

Want to take your brand to the next level?

Each of our campaign packages was developed using the strategy above, combined with our premium visual content. We have helped launch thousands of new products over the last 3 years, so we know exactly what it takes to have a successful launch campaign.

Contact us here to get more information about our monthly

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